Breast milk cell components and its beneficial effects on neonates: need for breast milk cell banking


breast milk
preterm and term infants
stem cells
cell constituents
growth factors
breast milk banking

How to Cite

Kaingade, P., Somasundaram, I., Nikam, A., Behera, P., Kulkarni, S., & Patel, J. (2017). Breast milk cell components and its beneficial effects on neonates: need for breast milk cell banking. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (JPNIM), 6(1), e060115.


Universal breastfeeding has been a stated policy of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization as well as UNICEF. Human milk is considered as the gold standard for infants owing to its colossal nutritional values. However, the presence of various cellular components of breast milk have been gaining more attention in recent years since the first discovery of mammary stem cells in 2007, thereby providing a ray of hope not only for growth and immunity of the neonate but also an insight into its regenerative applicability. In this relation, this article summarizes the cell components of breast milk that have been identified to date. It highlights the beneficial effects of these cells for term and preterm delivered infants along with the need for breast milk and its cell banking.